Serwery internetowe / Apache

Apache 2. Leksykon kieszonkowy
Autor: Andrew Ford
Podręczne źródło informacji na temat Apache! Jak wykorzystać mechanizm mod_rewrite? Jak kontrolować dostęp do zasobów? Jak stosować bezpieczny protokół SSL? Apache jest jednym z najpopularniejszych serwerów HTTP. Jego zalety to niezawodność, wydajność i elastyczność. Można go uruchomić praktycznie ...

Autor: Rich Bowen, Ken Coar
Czy wiesz, jaki serwer HTTP jest najpopularniejszy w sieci? Właśnie tak, jest to Apache! W lipcu 2008 roku jego udział w rynku wynosił blisko 50% (według Netcraft). Historia tego serwera sięga roku 1995, kiedy ukazała się jego pierwsza oficjalna wersja, oznaczona numerem 0.6.2. Cechy, które zadecydowały o sukcesie t ...

Streaming Architecture. New Designs Using Apache Kafka and MapR Streams
Autor: Ted Dunning, Ellen Friedman
More and more data-driven companies are looking to adopt stream processing and streaming analytics. With this concise ebook, you...ll learn best practices for designing a reliable architecture that supports this emerging big-data paradigm.Authors Ted Dunning and Ellen Friedman (Real World Hadoop) help you explore some of the ...

High Performance Spark. Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark
Autor: Holden Karau, Rachel Warren
Apache Spark is amazing when everything clicks. But if you haven...t seen the performance improvements you expected, or still don...t feel confident enough to use Spark in production, this practical book is for you. Authors Holden Karau and Rachel Warren demonstrate performance optimizations to help your Spark queries run fas ...

Stream Processing with Apache Spark. Mastering Structured Streaming and Spark Streaming
Autor: Gerard Maas, Francois Garillot
Before you can build analytics tools to gain quick insights, you first need to know how to process data in real time. With this practical guide, developers familiar with Apache Spark will learn how to put this in-memory framework to use for streaming data. You...ll discover how Spark enables you to write streaming jobs in alm ...

Learning Apache OpenWhisk. Developing Open Serverless Solutions
Autor: Michele SciabarrĂ
Serverless computing greatly simplifies software development. Your team can focus solely on your application while the cloud provider manages the servers you need. This practical guide shows you step-by-step how to build and deploy complex applications in a flexible multicloud, multilanguage environment using Apache OpenWhisk ...

Autor: Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das
Data is bigger, arrives faster, and comes in a variety of formatsâ??and it all needs to be processed at scale for analytics or machine learning. But how can you process such varied workloads efficiently? Enter Apache Spark.Updated to include Spark 3.0, this second edition shows data engineers and data scientists why stru ...

Apache Cookbook. Solutions and Examples for Apache Administration. 2nd Edition
Autor: Rich Bowen, Ken Coar
There's plenty of documentation on installing and configuring the Apache web server, but where do you find help for the day-to-day stuff, like adding common modules or fine-tuning your activity logging? That's easy. The new edition of the Apache Cookbook offers you updated solutions to the problems you're likely to encounter ...

60 Recipes for Apache CloudStack. Using the CloudStack Ecosystem
Autor: SĂŠbastien Goasguen
Planning to deploy and maintain a public, private, or hybrid cloud service? This cookbook...s handy how-to recipes help you quickly learn and install Apache CloudStack, along with several API clients, API wrappers, data architectures, and configuration management technologies that work as part of CloudStack...s ecosystem.You. ...

Apache 2 Pocket Reference. For Apache Programmers & Administrators
Autor: Andrew Ford
Even if you know the Apache web server inside and out, you still need an occasional on-the-job reminder -- especially if you're moving to the newer Apache 2.x. Apache 2 Pocket Reference gives you exactly what you need to get the job done without forcing you to plow through a cumbersome, doorstop-sized reference. This Book pr ...