Bazy danych / Oracle
Autor: Andy Penver
Zestaw aplikacji Oracle jest wykorzystywany przez wiele znaczących przedsiębiorstw biznesowych oraz organizacji sektora publicznego na całym świecie. Oracle E-Business Suite jest najbardziej wszechstronnym zestawem zintegrowanych aplikacji dla dużych przedsiębiorstw, umożliwiającym podejmowanie lepszych decyzji, reduk ...
Administrowanie Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c. Poradnik praktyczny
Autor: Praca zbiorowa
Oracle Enterprise Manager to wszechstronne i kompleksowe narzędzie dla każdego administratora, z którego konsoli możemy zarządzać i monitorować wszystkie warstwy infrastruktury przedsiębiorstwa, takie jak pamięci masowe, serwery, systemy operacyjne, oprogramowanie pośrednie i inne. Prezentowana książka, Orac ...
Oracle Essentials. Oracle Database 10g. 3rd Edition
Autor: Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern
An enormous system comprising myriad technologies, options, and releases, Oracle's complexities have spawned numerous areas of specialization. For each area of specialization there are equally specialized how-to books and manuals. O'Reilly's Oracle Essentials claims a unique place among these books. Rather than focusing on on ...
Oracle Essentials. Oracle Database 11g. 4th Edition
Autor: Rick Greenwald, Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern
Oracle is an enormous system, with myriad technologies, options, and releases. Most users--even experienced developers and database administrators--find it difficult to get a handle on the full scope of the Oracle database. And, as each new Oracle version is released, users find themselves under increasing pressure to learn a ...
Oracle PL/SQL Programming. 4th Edition
Autor: Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl
For the past ten years, O'Reilly's Oracle PL/SQL Programming has been the bestselling book on PL/SQL, Oracle's powerful procedural language. Packed with examples and helpful recommendations, the book has helped everyone--from novices to experienced developers, and from Oracle Forms developers to database administrators--make ...
Autor: Andy Duncan, Jared Still
Perl is a very powerful tool for Oracle database administrators, but too few DBAs realize how helpful Perl can be in managing, monitoring, and tuning Oracle databases. Whether you're responsible for Oracle9i, Oracle8i, or earlier databases, you'll find Perl an invaluable addition to your database administration arsenal.You d ...
Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference
Autor: Jonathan Gennick, Peter Linsley
Support for regular expressions in SQL and PL/SQL is one of the most exciting features of Oracle Database 10G. Oracle has long supported the ANSI-standard LIKE predicate for rudimentary pattern matching, but regular expressions take pattern matching to a new level. They provide a powerful way to select data that matches a pa ...
Oracle PL/SQL Programming: A Developer's Workbook
Autor: Steven Feuerstein, Andrew Odewahn
However excellent they are, most computer books are inherently passive--readers simply take in text without having any opportunity to react to it. The Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Workbook is a different kind of animal! It's designed to engage you actively, to get you solving programming problems immediately, and to help you a ...
Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices. 2nd Edition
Autor: Steven Feuerstein
In this compact book, Steven Feuerstein, widely recognized as one of the world's leading experts on the Oracle PL/SQL language, distills his many years of programming, teaching, and writing about PL/SQL into a set of best practices-recommendations for developing successful applications. Covering the latest Oracle release, Ora ...
Oracle SQL*Plus Pocket Reference. A Guide to SQL*Plus Syntax. 3rd Edition
Autor: Jonathan Gennick
The Oracle SQLPlus Pocket Reference is a must-have for anyone working with Oracle databases, especially those looking to maximize the effectiveness of SQLPlus. As Oracle's long-standing interactive query tool, SQLPlus is available at every Oracle site, from the largest data warehouse to the smallest single-user system. Desp ...