Informatyka / Start-up


Stwórz teraz wspaniałą firmę! Siedem etapów na drodze do wysokich zysków

Autor: Mark Thompson, Brian Tracy

Czy teraz jest dobry moment na założenie własnej firmy? Świat biznesu, wstrząsany kolejnymi burzami, doświadcza gwałtownych turbulencji, co powoduje nieustanne zmiany uwarunkowań działalności gospodarczej. Konkurencja jest coraz bardziej zacięta i zdeterminowana, a wyzwania okazują się większe i trudniejsze. A z ...

38.35 zł (-20.65 zł)
kup teraz

Testowanie pomysłów biznesowych. Biblioteka technik eksperymentacyjnych

Autor: David J. Bland, Alexander Osterwalder

Uważaj! Najpierw zgromadź dane, a dopiero potem wprowadzaj swój pomysł w życie. Choćby w teorii wydawał się najlepszy, najpierw rzetelnie go przetestuj! Praktyczny przewodnik - od pomysłu do sprawdzonej koncepcji biznesowej Specjalnie dla innowatorów z korporacji, założycieli start-upów i pr ...

57.84 zł (-31.16 zł)
kup teraz

Tworzenie modeli biznesowych. Podręcznik wizjonera

Autor: Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur

Przewodnik dla wizjonerów, ludzi pragnących wyznaczać własne zasady gry i tych, którzy chcą podważać status quo - dla ludzi, którzy myślą o projektowaniu przedsiębiorstw przyszłości lub zmianie przestarzałych modeli biznesowych! Stworzony przez niesamowitą grupę 470 praktyków z 45 ...

51.35 zł (-27.65 zł)
kup teraz

Getting Started with Mule Cloud Connect. Accelerating Integration with SaaS, Social Media, and Open APIs

Autor: Ryan Carter

Connect your enterprise to a wide range of SaaS platforms, Open APIs, and social networks quickly and without difficulty. Through step-by-step instructions and numerous real-world examples, this concise guide shows you how to seamlessly integrate the external services you need with Mule ESB and its powerful Cloud Connect tool ...

59.42 zł (-10.48 zł)
kup teraz

Managing Startups: Best Blog Posts

Autor: Thomas Eisenmann

If you want salient advice about your startup, hit the jackpot with this book. Harvard Business School Professor Tom Eisenmann annually compiles the best posts from many blogs on technology startup management, primarily for the benefit of his students. This book makes his latest collection available to the broader en ...

50.91 zł (-8.99 zł)
kup teraz

eCommerce in the Cloud. Bringing Elasticity to eCommerce

Autor: Kelly Goetsch

Is your eCommerce solution ready for the cloud? This practical guide shows experienced and aspiring web architects alike how to adopt cloud computing incrementally, using public Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service. You will learn how to marshal as much capacity as you need to handle peak holiday or special-e ...

160.65 zł (-28.35 zł)
kup teraz

The New Community Rules. Marketing on the Social Web

Autor: Tamar Weinberg

Blogs, networking sites, and other examples of the social web provide businesses with a largely untapped marketing channel for products and services. But how do you take advantage of them? With The New Community Rules, you'll understand how social web technologies work, and learn the most practical and effective ways to reach ...

76.42 zł (-13.48 zł)
kup teraz

The Hardware Startup. Building Your Product, Business, and Brand

Autor: Renee DiResta, Brady Forrest, Ryan Vinyard

Thanks to the decreasing cost of prototyping, it's more feasible for professional makers and first-time entrepreneurs to launch a hardware startup. But exactly how do you go about it? This book provides the roadmap and best practices you need for turning a product idea into a full-fledged business. Written by three expe ...

109.65 zł (-19.35 zł)
kup teraz

eBay Commerce Cookbook. Using eBay APIs: PayPal, Magento and More

Autor: Chuck Hudson

Take advantage of mobile commerce to generate more demand, traffic, and sales for your products and services. This unique cookbook provides a collection of practical recipes you can put to use in every step of the mobile customer lifecycle. You...ll learn how to add features and functionality through a wide set of eBay APIs-i ...

109.65 zł (-19.35 zł)
kup teraz

The Social Media Marketing Book

Autor: Dan Zarrella

Are you looking to take advantage of social media for your business or organization? With easy-to-understand introductions to blogging, forums, opinion and review sites, and social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, this book will help you choose the best -- and avoid the worst -- of the social web's unique mar ...

59.42 zł (-10.48 zł)
kup teraz

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