Technologie webowe / Web Design


Web Design z HTML5 i CSS3. Technologie frontendowe od podstaw. Wydanie V

Autor: Terry Felke-Morris

Projektowanie i tworzenie stron internetowych wymaga zarówno wiedzy oraz biegłego posługiwania się technologiami, jak i zmysłu artystycznego. Długo można wymieniać cechy idealnej strony WWW, zwłaszcza w obliczu dynamicznych zmian, które dotyczą technologii, potrzeb użytkowników i mody. Projektan ...

34.9 zł (-64.1 zł)
kup teraz

100 rzeczy, które każdy projektant powinien wiedzieć o potencjalnych klientach. Wydanie II

Autor: Susan Weinschenk

Niezależnie od tego, czy tworzysz stronę internetową, interfejs użytkownika, czy przedmiot codziennego użytku, musisz dostosować projekt do wymagań grupy docelowej. To, jak dobry będzie projekt i jakie wrażenia wywoła u użytkowników, zależy przede wszystkim od tego, co o nich wiesz. Niekiedy jest to specyfi ...

29.49 zł (-29.51 zł)
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AngularJS. Tworzenie aplikacji webowych. Receptury

Autor: Matt Frisbie

AngularJS jest popularnym frameworkiem służącym do pisania aplikacji internetowych o różnej skali. Jest to świetny projekt open source, dzięki któremu praca staje się wydajna i przyjemna. Tworzenie oprogramowania mającego naprawdę wysoką jakość wymaga od programisty stałego rozwijania umiejętności ...

29.49 zł (-29.51 zł)
kup teraz

Learning Ratpack. Simple, Lean, and Powerful Web Applications

Autor: Dan Woods

Build robust, highly scalable reactive web applications with Ratpack, the lightweight JVM framework. With this practical guide, you...ll discover how asynchronous applications differ from more traditional thread-per-request systems-and how you can reap the benefits of complex non-blocking through an API that makes the effort ...

160.65 zł (-28.35 zł)
kup teraz

Identity and Data Security for Web Development. Best Practices

Autor: Jonathan LeBlanc, Tim Messerschmidt

Developers, designers, engineers, and creators can no longer afford to pass responsibility for identity and data security onto others. Web developers who don...t understand how to obscure data in transmission, for instance, can open security flaws on a site without realizing it. With this practical guide, you...ll learn how a ...

126.65 zł (-22.35 zł)
kup teraz

High Performance Images. Shrink, Load, and Deliver Images for Speed

Autor: Colin Bendell, Tim Kadlec, Yoav Weiss

High-quality images have an amazing power of attraction. Just add some stunning photos and graphics to your website or app and watch your user engagement and conversion numbers climb. It can be tricky, but with this practical guide, you...ll master the many facets of delivering high performance images on the internet-without ...

109.65 zł (-19.35 zł)
kup teraz

RESTful Web Clients. Enabling Reuse Through Hypermedia

Autor: Mike Amundsen

Powerful web-based REST and hypermedia-style APIs are becoming more common every day, but instead of applying the same techniques and patterns to hypermedia clients, many developers rely on custom client code. With this practical guide, you...ll learn how to move from one-off implementations to general-purpose client apps tha ...

160.65 zł (-28.35 zł)
kup teraz

Working with Static Sites. Bringing the Power of Simplicity to Modern Sites

Autor: Raymond Camden, Brian Rinaldi

Just like vinyl LPs, static sites are making a comeback, evidenced by the wide array of static-site generators now available. This practical book shows you hands-on how to build these simple sites for blogs and other use cases, and how to make them more powerful. In the process, you...ll work with some of today...s more matur ...

126.65 zł (-22.35 zł)
kup teraz

Getting Started with Varnish Cache. Accelerate Your Web Applications

Autor: Thijs Feryn

How long does it take for your website to load? Web performance is just as critical for small and medium-sized websites as it is for massive websites that receive tons of hits. Before you pour money and time into rewriting your code or replacing your infrastructure, first consider a reverse-caching proxy server like Varnish. ...

109.65 zł (-19.35 zł)
kup teraz

Creating Web Animations. Bringing Your UIs to Life

Autor: Kirupa Chinnathambi

Thanks to faster browsers, better web standards support, and more powerful devices, the web now defines the next generation of user interfaces that are fun, practical, fluid, and memorable. The key? Animation. But learning how to create animations is hard, and existing learning material doesn...t explain the context of the UI ...

126.65 zł (-22.35 zł)
kup teraz

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